Hi everyone, as the site is now two weeks old we thought it’d be a good time to give you a little update. We’ve had a fair number of ads placed, and a few sales, and we’d like to say a big thank you to all that have posted ads so far. The more people that get behind the site the easier it will be to sell your items- so share the site and tell your mates!
We’ve been listening to Airsofters feedback about the site, and have a few big changes in the works based on what you guys have been saying. We’re not ready to go on those yet so they’ll have to be kept under wraps for now! Until then though, we have a mini image and media upgrade!
A picture paints…
We have increased the number of images you can add to your ad listings from 3 to 5, and increased the maximum upload size to cater for all these posh smartphones you guys are using!
New video embed feature for ads.
If you have a video of your Airsoft gun in action, or there is a review of the make and model that you’re selling online, you can now include it to give more information to prospective buyers! This works in all categories so you can post demo videos of you wearing a loadout for sale etc too.
You can see an example ad with a video here.
Don’t worry, if you’ve already created your Ad you can edit and add the YouTube URL to an existing ad listing as well. Just go to “Manage Ads” from the top menu when logged in and edit the Ad.
That’s all for now folks… More is yet to come.