To edit ad details such as price etc, go to your user dashboard and click on the pencil icon.
Featured listing not showing up on main page
As soon as an ad is published it will start to be displayed In the featured section. The ads in this section rotate amongst all the currently featured ads so they are not all the same every time; Every visitor that views or refreshes the homepage will see a different set of featured ads, so your ad will not be shown every time.
Your featured ad is also highlighted on category/search result listing pages so it will be seen by many people each day.
How do I change my user name?
Usernames can't be changed once an account is created, you would have to create a new account. Contact us to delete your existing account if you want to use the same contact email address.
Unable to Buy Bump Packs
This is a known issue on mobile devices, but will work fine on a desktop computer if you have access to one. We are working on a fix for the next site update.
Where do I view sellers replies?
This is the new Prefired site, which no longer uses a Private Message system. Ad messages you send now go directly to a sellers registered email address, and their replies will go directly to yours.
What does RiF mean in Airsoft?
RiF stands for Realistic Imitation Firearm, and is a term used to describe a non two-tone Airsoft replica, which is realistic in appearance to an average person. A Defence under the VCRA is required to buy a RiF in the UK.